Official Scarface Xxx Parody -Dvd

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Official Scarface XXX Parody DVD ZER96011. When Tony Montana claims asylum in Miami in search of the American Dream, he soon discovers a thirst for power, money and control of the juice a contraband aphrodisiac sex aid that has taken the country's underground sex addicts by storm. Everyone wants to try this slippery stuff that turns sex into an orgiastic fantasy. Tony wants a bigger, harder, wetter piece of the pie than any juice gangster has ever taken, and he's soon supplying the nation with the purest form of lube available. But soon after Tony kills his boss and takes his woman, he does what all dealers should never do he gets hooked on his own product and it leads him down the path of destruction. Starring: Emmanuelle London, Lexi Swallow, Melanie Rios, Tabitha Stevens. Zero Tolerance Studios. Adult movies. Rated XXX.

Weight: 0,24       Manufacturer:

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