Expert Sex DVD Volumes 3 & 4 DVDs

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Loving Sex series of adult instructional videos from the Sinclair Institute for Better Sex. Expert Sex DVD Volumes 3 and 4 DVD set. Welcome to Expert Sex, the show where adult film stars share their sexual knowledge and take you step by step thru ways to enhance your pleasure and improve your sexual performance. Our experts are not full of theory: they have years of personal experience with hundreds of partners. After all, who knows more about sex than an adult film star? Volume 3: Extreme Kink. Taboo and adventurous sex. Adult toys for masturbation or partnered sex play. Expert advice on better anal sex. Heat up your sex life by making your own sex film. Volume 4: Pornolicious. Setting the mood for the best sex of your life. How to perform like an adult film star. Giving your love an unforgettable orgasm. How to keep your sex life hot and exciting. Running Time Explicit, 106 minutes. UPC 677070843068.

Weight:       Manufacturer: Alexander Institute

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